Friday, March 02, 2007

Passing on the Light...

I conducted a workshop yesterday to a group of 120 students attempting their GCE O Levels this year.

Shared with them mu story and the stories of my friends who have a list of achievements, but it does not seem to excite the students.... Later, their interest picked up only when I shared with them how my D, D, F grades for Prelim became an A, B, A for the GCE A Level exams...

Although some research have shown that students would be more inclined to be attentive when a talk or workshop is delivered by someone who has made achievements, it is more effective if the trainers or speaker showed that they are also 'human' and not 'super-human'... students seem to be put-off by 'super-humans' and over-achievers.

I've decided to forego assessing my effectiveness from the Feedback forms... it was more than worthwhile to have a teacher asking me advice for her own plans in the future and a bunch of students who continue to hang around and kept asking questions about their life, plans, ambitions, etc... and also about why one of them kept crying... and none of them know me two hours earlier!

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