Thursday, January 18, 2007


I received my students' feedback about my tutoring. I scored an average of 4.0 out of a score of 5.0 but I was disturbed with the negative comments.

It was not so much about the negative comments, but the need to be 'perfect'. I realised that I tend to look for the flaws, shortcomings, imperfections, etc and not appreciating the good things. Its draining my energy and causing unnecessary anxieties.

My psychiatrist once commented that perfectionists are prone to anxiety/panic disorders. Its reasonable as we are picky about very small things. I recall spending time on a poster using Photoshop and adjusting to the pixel the alignment of the text and other elements.

But, what is perfect? When we consider perfection, what are we really thinking about? Symmetry, flawlessness, consistency, smoothness, ...?

When we fear we cannot achieve perfection, we procrastinate, keep it away, far far away.

Perhaps, learning to let go. Learning to be happy with the good things of what we have and not be too pre-occupied with what we are short of, what we are lacking, will make us more perfect. But again, what is perfection?

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