Monday, October 23, 2006

My first step...

This is not my usual space for expressing my thoughts...

Someone felt that sharing my daily challenges will inspire others to take that step forward.

Another glorious month has just passed and I celebrate the success of a month of selflessness. What better way to do so than being selfless and putting my thoughts in this blog for all to read...

Everyone who restrained themselves for the past month look forward to celenbrating Eid.

For me its a constant struggle to manage the impending anxiety that I have to face.
I used to look forward to festivities. I'm a social animal. I like to socialise and enjoy entertaining friends and relatives. Even my C-VAT profile shows that I have a high value for socialibility.

But all that changed several years ago... Since then, it has been a challenge.
What you see is not what you get. On the outside, I may seem calm, but I'm shattering inside. Its like the duck floating on a serene pond. You don't see how hard its kicking underneath.

I recall the Eid celebrations I had several years back... the year I spent some of my time in isolation... in a hospital ward (more about that later.)

I was not comfortable meeting people, not even my siblings and relatives. Without much notice, most of them decided to visit me the first night. It was terrifying!!
I put on a show... and stayed calm as long as I could. The moment the last of them left.. I shattered, I broke down and had to cocoon myself. It was one of numerous terrifying moments for me.

What happened? How did I end up that way? And what are the challenges that I face daily?

Keep in touch with my blog, and I'll share them with you...

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