Saturday, June 02, 2007

Who am I?

I thought that I had passed the crossroads. Then, I realised that I was still wallowing at the corner of the junction, stuck in a day dream or probably deluded by the rush of academic euphoria.

Suddenly, something hit my head. I looked up and saw that one of the signs had dropped. I wondered how that sign will fit to the post. Was it pointing to this way or that? I can't remember.

It was only yesterday that the signs were clear. I knew that it pointed to one possible path that I could take. Now that the sign has dropped, I could not figure out where the sign was pointing to. I am lost again! I can either guess where the direction is or take the lead from the rest that hangs on the post. Although I have not considered these destinations previously, they are more reassuring.

At least the direction is clear and I know where each path will lead me to. If only I took some time to remember the direction clearly, I would be stuck at the crossroads.

I've wallowed for too long. While I would want to curse and swear at the sign that dropped on my head or stomp on it, how could I? It was a good knock in the head.

I guess I am back to "Never good enough!" But this time, I'm too tired to prove them wrong! I'm tired of being moulded. I'm tired of meeting expectations. I'm tired... it's time to go HOME......

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