Monday, May 28, 2007

For the PRIZEor the RACE?

"Never good enough!" became "You're good, but still not good enough!"

It's an accomplishment but still something that I need to work at.

Growing up without much of a role model, I had to establish my own milestones and benchmarks.

My major milestones have been marked by my mother who chose not to identify them, but left it to my own devices and interpretations on what they were.

It was only recently that I understood my mom's need to set mysterious milestones for me. Having facilitated classes based on the Problem-Based Learning approach, I've seen how my life has been shaped by much of the problems that I faced, challenged and overcame. Reminds me of a creed I once recited.... "I will overcome adversity with courage, fortitude and determination..."

Back to the title of this entry... the Prize or the Race...

I seem to enjoy the journey and find that the Prize is too much of a bother and sometimes a distraction. I hate competitions and tend to wish for a win-win, everyone wins solutions. I had ranking as it emphasises one attribute or value above another. Hence, I find no pleasure in seeing LIFE as a race with a prize.

To me, its a journey worth stopping along the way to smell the roses!

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