Friday, January 12, 2007

Its Finally Done!

After 3 and half years, the child is born!

Finally, 39753 words and 196 pages, its done!

I'm done. So, what do I do now? At least before today, I was comfortable being a graduate student... now, I add one more to the government's stats for the unemployed.

So its mass mailing time... no fuss... even when I feel duped.
I recall growing up with the constant barrage of the importance of being an all-rounder - a generalist. Now, most employers look for sepcialists and leverage on power teams.

When I signed my life away, the phrase was "When you are made in the Army, you're made for life!" Well, some life! Well-trained but the industry got a bit different! Everything requires certification now. It means a boom for the education and training industry, but also for publishers, bookstores, printing firms, computer retailers, software, internet subscriptions, etc....

Amazing how certification can develop an entire industry!

I've got most of what I need to reflect my capacities and capabilities, but the reality is that I have yet to obtain a mental health certification. To certify that I am anxiety- and panic-free!
maybe I should initiate this certification and reap profits from being the pioneer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.