Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Movies Do Talk

Other than songs, watching movies provide some benefit. It forms part of my recovery process.

While movie therapy seems to be an emerging trend, (for me) its not the movie per se, but watching it in a cinema.

A cinema provides a 'safe' environment for me to re-habilitate my system to exist comfortably in a crowd of strangers. I don't have to look at people; I know that noone is looking at me; and even if they are looking at me (usually the delusion that I get), they can't really see me. So, in this 'environment', I'm 'safe'.

Some movies were meant for pure entertainment. Just to get myself out of the 'safe' zones and into a crowded place (read- 'unsafe' zone). These are usually action movies without any philosophical plot, that seem to attract the crowd. However, do not dismiss these movies as they may have some dialogue that talks to you.

Yes, movies talk to me. Just like songs, I seem to add meaning to dialogues in movies as some of them 'talk' to me. Hence, it's much better to watch movies that have enough dialogue to nag you into going beyond the boundaries and enter 'unsafe' zones. The best part about cinemas is that they are located at or near shopping malls- the arena to test "how long I can last in the open without hyperventilating and feeling light in the head; lose my senses in my hands, feet, head; and having my guts contract painfully?" (it comes in that sequence...)